2020 Harry Potter Wave
The Wave in a Nutshell:
30420 Harry Potter and Hedwig: Owl Delivery: $4.99 USD; 31 pieces; 1 minifigure
30628 Monster Book of Monsters: Promotional
40419 Hogwarts Students Accessory Set: $14.99 USD; 53 pieces; 4 minifigures
75966 Hogwarts Room of Requirement: $19.99 USD; 196 pieces; 4 minifigures
75967 Forbidden Forest: Umbridge’s Encounter: $29.99 USD; 253 pieces; 5 minifigures
75968 4 Privet Drive: $69.99 USD; 797 pieces; 6 minifigures
75969 Hogwarts Astronomy Tower: $99.99 USD; 971 pieces; 8 minifigures
75978 Diagon Alley: $399.99; 5,544 pieces; 17 minifigures
75979 Hedwig: $39.99 USD; 630 pieces; 1 minifigure
75980 Attack on the Burrow: $99.99 USD; 1,047 pieces; 8 minifigures
75981 Harry Potter Advent Calendar: $39.99; 335 pieces; 6 minifigures
The 2020 Wave should have technically focused on the movies “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” and “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” considering that 2018 focused on “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and 2019 focused on “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” However, ultimately, I think this wave ended up being a bit more of a mix of many movies.
For example, 75968 4 Privet Drive is based on the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” The set is great and includes even our favorite house elf Dobby and a “floating cake.” If you remember, in the second movie Dobby wreaks havoc on the Dursley’s home in hopes of them keeping Harry from returning to Hogwarts. The set also includes the Ford Anglia that helps Ron in breaking Harry free! It’s a great set and while technically it doesn’t make sense in this wave, I am glad we revisited the scene and that the set was added!
The 75979 Hedwig set encompasses many movies considering that Hedwig is featured in most of the movies. Though one may argue that she is most heavily featured in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” This is one of the sets that I am not too interested in as it isn’t really about any scene or a setting. She looks great and I am sure it is a lovely set to display, just for me it doesn’t transport me back to the movie and the Wizarding World.
Overall though the 2020 Wave was a good one. I have often thought about 75978 Diagon Alley and how I could possibly justify purchasing it. $399.00 USD is a high price for one set – considering I already have a difficult time justifying purchasing a set over $100.00 USD. Technically I like the price points around $50 USD/$60 USD however, it is difficult to find larger sets around that price. The Diagon Alley set comes with six stores spread out over four separate buildings: Ollivander’s Wand Shop, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor, Scibbulus Writing Implements, Flourish & Blotts, and Quality Quidditch Supplies. I guess you could break the price down by the four buildings and you would technically be paying $100 USD per building. After I broke it down like that, I asked myself would I ever spend $400 USD on four buildings in one wave – I am honestly not sure. It’s very difficult to justify that price in my mind, even though I realize that the set looks amazing! And who doesn’t love Diagon Alley?! I want to say never say never, but right now I would say I just can’t justify the price and I am not sure how low the price would have to be for me to click the "Buy" button.
Speaking of price, I did purchase 75980 Attack on the Burrow for the full price of $99.99 USD. Even with that I went back and forth, but after I read rumors that the set would retire soon, I decided to click “Buy.” Sometimes, the idea of a set being no longer available really makes me re-evaluate how I feel about it and the idea of paying even more for a set after it retires makes me look at sets very differently. I am glad I bought this set! It is by far my favorite LEGO Harry Potter set thus far. It’s quirky, it’s colorful and has a warmth about it that I adore. It really feels like the Weasley’s home. The fireplace with changing fires (from regular red/orange to Floo Powder green) is my favorite detail!
I was very fortunate and received the 75969 Hogwarts Astronomy Tower as a gift. Having two sets in this wave that are $99.99 USD, it can be difficult to purchase all the sets, thus when I received it as a gift, I was very happy! The set includes minifigures that are ready for the Slug Club Christmas Party organized by Professor Slughorn as seen in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” My absolute favorite part of the set is the greenhouse for the Herbology class – Professor Slughorn even comes with a pair of scissors to cut the Venomous Tentacula plant! The set also includes the Ravenclaw dormitory and the Astronomy Tower (obviously). The way the Astronomy Tower is build with the different smaller towers off the roof looks amazing!
75966 Hogwarts Room of Requirement and 75967 Forbidden Forest: Umbridge’s Encounter are based on “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” I liked the sets! What stood out to me in the Hogwarts Room of Requirement set was that Umbridge’s Educational Decrees do fall, which I enjoy very much and then I love Umbridge’s minifigure in the Forbidden Forest set. If I remember correctly, I got both sets on sale, which made the sets even better!
I do think it is interesting that the two sets for $99.99 USD are based on “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and that “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” has two of the lowest priced sets in the wave, because I do think “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” has a lot to offer. Right off the top of my head is 12 Grimmauld Place and the Ministry of Magic. I am not sure if the movie rating would have factored into this at the time of the design, because “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” is rated PG-13 in the USA, while “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is rated PG, which would make the movie more accessible to the younger consumers.
Overall, I think this is another solid wave. The Astronomy Tower was another majestic addition to the Hogwarts sets and the Burrow is just a dream to look at! I wish I could build a house like that in real life! Even by revisiting an earlier movie for the 4 Privet Drive set resulted in an amazing addition to the Second Revival (sets from 2018 onward).
VERDICT: The 2020 Wave wasn’t as economically priced as the 2019 wave; however, it had some great sets that added much detail to the LEGO Harry Potter theme. This is definitely one of those waves where you want to strategize as to what sets you want to purchase and when (some are still available at discounted prices (as of April 2022)).