My First LEGO Set:

75954 Hogwarts Great Hall

The set in a Nutshell:

Name: 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall

Pieces: 878

Minifigures: 10 minifigures

Original Price: $99.99 USD

Recommended Age: 9 – 14 years of age

There I sat in my living room unsure how to start to build my first LEGO set. 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall was either going to be a great success in my journey to forget about work stress or it was going to cause me more stress. When I first opened the box, I was sure I was doomed.

878 LEGO pieces separated into six plastic bags. How anyone could ever find this relaxing was beyond me. Clearly, I should have studied the box more closely and picked a smaller set to start with. I was still wondering what I would do with the set after it was completed, but I also started to wonder if I would ever be able to complete it. The box suggested this set for 9- to 14-year-olds, which gave me a little confidence, as I certainly surpassed that age range.

The first bag mostly consisted of putting together some of the 10 minifigures and the basilisk. Starting on an easier note gave me confidence that I could find the time to complete this set and enjoy the journey. As I worked more and more on the set, I fell in love with the LEGO booklet. Each step is clearly outlined and easy to understand. It’s somewhat like an IKEA instructions booklet, but much more detailed. Putting a LEGO set together is black and white, either you are putting it correctly together or you aren’t. It’s that simplicity that I enjoy about the LEGO sets. While in life and work it is sometimes difficult to know if you are making the right decisions, with LEGO the right path is clearly outlined. Granted, there is room to put your own spin on the sets and rearrange things, but I like to put the sets together as intended.

I typically set about one-hour aside to work on a set and think about nothing else then the instructions and bricks. I may have the Harry Potter soundtracks or movies running in the background, but that is about it. I can disconnect for a bid and relax. At times I do get ahead of myself and may miss a brick here or there, but two steps later I typically find out that I did something wrong. I am trying to teach myself to focus on one step at a time, which I think will also help with work – not everything needs to be rushed.

As I worked my way through the plastic bags, the Great Hall took on more and more shape and after a couple hours spread over a couple days the Hogwarts Great Hall was finished – like magic. It was my first set and I was easily distracted, so it took me a bit longer than the average LEGO builder to complete the set.

The Hogwarts Great Hall set is a combination of the “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and the “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” movies. It features both Professor Quirrell (with Lord Voldemort’s face on the back) and the basilisk – Harry’s foes in the first two movies.

For “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” we start with Hagrid (only minifigure not to have an alternative face) and his pink umbrella! I absolutely adore this minifigure. He can also be carrying a lantern, which is how we see him in the first movie when the Hogwarts Express arrives at the Hogsmeade station. For our first year Hogwarts students – Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy and Susan Bones a rowboat with a lantern awaits to take them across the lake. Upon their arrival at the Great Hall, they are greeted by Professor McGonagall with the Sorting Hat. At first, I thought the Susan Bones minifigure was Ginny Weasley (since she opened the Chamber of Secrets in the second movie), however, after reading the box I realized it is Susan. Susan ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff in the first movie. A detail on all the student minifigures is that on their ties are their Hogwarts House color. One thing to note about the Susan Bones minifigure is that her hair is much more flexible than the hair of the other minifigures. When I tried to change the face on the Susan minifigure I grew to appreciate this, as it made it easier to pull her head apart from her hair.

Scabbers, who has his big moment in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” Fawkes and Hedwig are also included in the set. Scabbers and Hedwig are whole pieces and don’t require any assembly, however, Fawkes must be assembled to be ready to fight the basilisk.

The Great Hall is decked out for the big feast! A fire is going in the fireplace, multiple mesh windows help give it the feel of grandeur and delicious food is spread over the tables. The set does come with the “floating” candles from the Enchanted Ceiling; however, the sky can’t be found in the set. The Hogwarts House flags are also flying. Each flag is reversable, so all four houses are represented. I typically have Gryffindor and Slytherin represented. Another detail is that Professor Dumbledore’s chair along the teachers table is different and more grandiose than the other two chairs.

In the adjoining tower we find the Mirror of Erised. The desires of Harry, Ron, Dumbledore, and Professor Quirrell can be displayed. My favorite is Dumbledore’s desire for socks, but typically I have Harry’s displayed. Another item I must mention in the tower is the Grand Staircase, much like in the real Hogwarts, this one moves! It doesn’t move places, but you can have the stairs fanned out or stacked on top of one another. A potions room and a “treasure room” are also featured in the tower. I am not sure what the treasure room may be, it is advertised as such on the LEGO website. Since there is a spider maybe it is a nod to where Hagrid kept Aragog? Or maybe the Room of Requirements?

Putting the set together was a very enjoyable experience for me. Of course, there were moments I couldn’t find the right piece and grew frustrated, but that I think helps me grow as a person. Should I really grow frustrated because I can’t find the correct LEGO brick in less than 10 seconds? No, I shouldn’t. I should be enjoying the journey.

Ultimately after finishing and studying the set, I decided that I couldn’t part with it, and I also couldn’t tear it apart, so I decided to make room and display it. I look at the set almost every day and it puts a smile on my face.

VERDICT: I couldn’t have picked a better set to start my Harry Potter LEGO journey and to me it was worth the $99.99 USD.

The Minifigures

Our favorite trio ready to take on Lord Voldemort!

Susan Bones and Draco Malfoy

Nearly-Headless Nick

Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Professor Quirrell and Professor McGonagall.

Is that You-Know-Who?

The basilisk is not considered a minifigure, but very important to the set!

The basilisk is ready to attack!

The Great Hall

The set from the side (on the opposite side is the front entrance).

The front entrance

The set looks wonderful and is lovely to display!

Is that Trevor, Neville Longbottom's toad hiding by the staircase?

A closer look at the upper two rooms in the tower. One reminds of the potion's class, while the other of Aragog's hiding place.

The candle holder for the Enchanted Ceiling is very unique. The banners for the houses can be turned over to reveal Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

The staircase will move! Filch is patrolling the hallway in the background (he does not come with the set).

Hedwig and Fawkes are also in the Great Hall!

Who knows what Malfoy is up to in the tower? Is that a child of Aragog?

Hagrid and the teachers are ready to greet the first year students!

What a scary face!

The Mirror of Erised

Harry's desire (he would like for his parents to be alive).

Dumbledore's desire (he would like some socks).

Professor Quirrell's desire (he would like the Philosopher's Stone).

Ron's desire (he would like to win the Quidditch Cup).

Inside the Great Hall

Is that the Goblet of Fire behind Dumbledore or just a decorative golden cup?

Ron, Scabbers and Hermione are enjoying some time in the Great Hall.

Nearly Headless Nick is floating through the Great Hall.

I suppose the Sorting Hat will choose Hufflepuff for Susan Bones.